Desktop Backup Policy
IGB Desktop Backup Policy[edit]
Desktop Backup is one of the most difficult things for an information technology department to take care of. In order to help manage this project, we have come up with the following set of policies. If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us.
The desktop backup service is available free to all in the IGB. However, this system is not foolproof. If you have extremely important files we suggest keeping them in more than one location. You may install the backup client on up to 4 of your IGB owned computers.
We will make our best effort to keep the system running on our end, but there will be days when for whatever reason the backup server does not respond properly. It is not feasible for us to check everyone's desktop backup client (CrashPlan) to make sure it is running properly, so we suggest that each user periodically check desktop backup client (CrashPlan) to see when they were last backed up and to notify us if there is a problem. In addition if you receive an email stating that you have not been backed up for a period of time, we do not get those messages and therefore expect you to contact us about them.
Data Retention[edit]
If everything is working properly, then any data on your computer not in a no_backup folder or meeting any of the exceptions below should be backed up on the Crashplan server. Any systems not backing up data for a year will be removed from the service. Crashplan is not meant to be a way to keep historical archives of old computer systems.
Disk Size[edit]
- You are given a quota of 800GB of space on the backup server to store your backed up data.
The following file extensions will not backed up due to their large file sizes and the data not being associated with IGB.
- .mp3 (Audio)
- .ogg (Audio)
- .aac (iTunes Audio)
- .wma (Windows Media Audio)
- .mpg (Video)
- .avi (Video)
- .mov (Quicktime Video)
- .vob (DVD Video)
- .rm (RealMedia Video)
- .wmv (Windows Media Video)
- .iso (CD/DVD Image)
- .vmdk (VMWare Virtual Machine)
- .vdi (VirtualBox Virtual Machine)
- .hdd (Parallels Virtual Machine)
- .bkf (Windows XP Backup file)
- .vhd (Windows Vista/7 Backup file)