File Server Policy

From Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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IGB File Server Policy[edit]

In order to ensure the IGB file server is used properly and space is not wasted, we have come up with this policies. If you have any questions about any of these policies, please contact us. This page changes occasionally as we see the mission of the file server changing, so check back if you have any future questions.


CNRG will make their best effort to ensure that the file server is backed up daily. Every six months (January and July) a backup is archived and taken off site to protect from data loss to a disaster in the building. Each January's backup is archived for 5 years. Although we do our best to keep data backed up, if it is extremely important, it is always a good idea to have a version of the file in more than one location in case something strange happens.

Banned File Types[edit]

Audio, Video, and ISO files are banned from the server as they are assumed to not be part of the research conducted by the IGB. These files are not backed up and if we see them becoming a problem, we will contact you about removing them. If this assumption is in error, please contact CNRG and we will try to work something out for you.

Home Directory Storage Limit[edit]

Each user is allowed 10 GB of personal information in their home directory. Illegal or offensive content is not permitted as well as those files of the type on the banned list. This limit is a soft limit, meaning that if you go over your 10GB of space we will send you an e-mail asking you to remedy the situation. If you wish to have a personal web page hosted by one of our servers and backed up, this is where it will be created. Personal web pages cannot cause problems with the web server or they will be disabled.

Group Directory Storage Limit[edit]

Each theme is allocated 90 GB of shared space on the server that is broken down into sub directories by faculty in the theme. All groups not under a theme are assinged 5 GB. his limit is a soft limit, meaning that if you go over your 10GB of space we will send you an e-mail asking your group to remedy the situation. The purpose of this space is to share data between faculty, students, grad students and for inter-theme communication. We will not create personal directories (those that can be accessed by only one user) in this space as that is how the home directories are to be used. Illegal or offensive content is not permitted as well as those files of the type on the banned list.

Stale Files[edit]

The file server is not intended to be a very long term storage solution for files that do not change. For instance if you have images that have not been used in 2 years we encourage you to find a longer term storage solution for the data or contact us to help you with such a search. That said, so long as the limits of your home directory or group directory have not been violated we normally will not contact you regarding this.