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From Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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* [https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold]
* [https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold]
* [https://github.com/dialvarezs/alphafold https://github.com/dialvarezs/alphafold]
* [https://github.com/dialvarezs/alphafold https://github.com/dialvarezs/alphafold]
* [https://hub.docker.com/r/catgumag/alphafold https://hub.docker.com/r/catgumag/alphafold]

Revision as of 08:25, 17 February 2022


How to Run[edit]

  • Load alphafold module
module load alphafold/2.1.1
  • Run run_singularity.py

Example Job Script[edit]

# ----------------SLURM Parameters----------------
#SBATCH -n 4
#SBATCH -p gpu
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:2
#SBATCH --mem 80G

# ----------------Load Modules--------------------
module load alphafold/2.1.1
# ----------------Commands------------------------
run_singularity.py --data-dir $BIODB --cpus $SLURM_NTASKS --use-gpu --db-preset full_dbs --output-dir output \
--fasta-paths example.fasta 


  • These are all the parameters for run_singularity.py. This can be accessed by running run_singularity.py --help
                        Paths to FASTA files, each containing one sequence.
                        All FASTA paths must have a unique basename as the
                        basename is used to name the output directories for
                        each prediction.
  --is-prokaryote-list IS_PROKARYOTE_LIST [IS_PROKARYOTE_LIST ...]
                        Optional for multimer system, not used by the single
                        chain system. This list should contain a boolean for
                        each fasta specifying true where the target complex is
                        from a prokaryote, and false where it is not, or where
                        the origin is unknown. These values determine the
                        pairing method for the MSA.
  --max-template-date MAX_TEMPLATE_DATE, -t MAX_TEMPLATE_DATE
                        Maximum template release date to consider (ISO-8601
                        format - i.e. YYYY-MM-DD). Important if folding
                        historical test sets.
  --db-preset {reduced_dbs,full_dbs}
                        Choose preset model configuration - no ensembling with
                        uniref90 + bfd + uniclust30 (full_dbs), or 8 model
                        ensemblings with uniref90 + bfd + uniclust30 (casp14).
  --model-preset {monomer,monomer_casp14,monomer_ptm,multimer}
                        Choose preset model configuration - the monomer model,
                        the monomer model with extra ensembling, monomer model
                        with pTM head, or multimer model
  --benchmark, -b       Run multiple JAX model evaluations to obtain a timing
                        that excludes the compilation time, which should be
                        more indicative of the time required for inferencing
                        many proteins.
                        Whether to read MSAs that have been written to disk.
                        WARNING: This will not check if the sequence, database
                        or configuration have changed.
  --data-dir DATA_DIR, -d DATA_DIR
                        Path to directory with supporting data: AlphaFold
                        parameters and genetic and template databases. Set to
                        the target of download_all_databases.sh.
  --docker-image DOCKER_IMAGE
                        Alphafold docker image.
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory for results.
  --use-gpu             Enable NVIDIA runtime to run with GPUs.
  --gpu-devices GPU_DEVICES
                        Comma separated list of devices to pass to
  --cpus CPUS, -c CPUS  Number of CPUs to use.
